
The Rock Formation known as “The Finger of God” or Mukurob (in the local vernacular), near Asab in Namibia, was a sandstone rock formation in the Namib Desert which collapsed on 4 December 1988.
Only debris is left from this rock pinnacle that once dominated the surrounding desert landscape.

I had the privilege of seeing Mukurob in person when in my Standard 9 year and I vowed to paint the scene that was imprinted on my mind…

Two years later in 1979 I painted a smaller version from a slightly different angle – which has been in my parents’ private collection ever since.

Then in 1990 – 13 years after my initial personal encounter with Mukurob – the work featured here saw the light.

Details / Size

  • Oil on Canvas
  • W: 885mm x H: 590mm x D: 10mm  (W: 35″ x H: 23″ x D:)

(In a Private Collection)